All posts by jackriebel

The Xbox 1

With the new Xbox one coming out with no new big updates we will see if microsoft can keep the pace that the PS4 set. With the Xbox one coming out with a possible Kinect 2 will this be an advantage or a disadvantage . I am really hoping to have this be a great console.

with more information click the link below. comment if you want an Xbox 1

The PS4

Will the PS4 be a big leap for playstation or are they just going to ruin it. The PS4 has high quality graphics and a nice interface with all new features . The question is will they get there own version of connect or will they just leave that one be another big question is will the games be fast. Will it be a stunning display or will they lag out. Heres more on the PS4. comment if you want the PS4

Call of duty: Ghosts

With the new aliens and knee slide its clear that this COD game will be quite different

The Knee Slide it will take place of the classic dolphin dive. And aliens will take place of zombies with stunning graphics this game is build for those pro gamers. But the question still remains will these new features be an up ar a down.  This link will tell you all you want to know on aliens.